Brogan will be TWO YEARS OLD on the 28th of this month. That is just mind-blowing. People told me that I would notice how big he was once Maisy got here and they were right! I never noticed how his legs and feet hang off his changing pad. I never noticed how big his hands have gotten. And I never noticed how much he looks like a boy and not a baby. He is starting to really talk now too! He FINALLY started saying my name regularly and WOW does he say it all.the.time!!! Sometimes it's "Momma", other times it's "Mommy", and once in a while he throws in a French accent and says "ma-MA". He is very observant and listens to adult conversations. When I'm telling Tadd something Brogan has done, he starts doing it then. He's also started calling Tadd by his first name. It's hilarious. He'll ask me, "Weh da-da?" and I'll say work or church. Then he'll yell, "Taaaa!" (Tadd). If I ask him what my name is, he says "Beck-Beck". :) Brogan is getting better about being gentle with Maisy. He likes to put her passy in her mouth, give her high 5, and kiss her head. Right now, he loves popcicles, poptarts, finding bugs to squish, looking for American flags ("fag-fag") while we're in the car or on a walk, coloring on his easel ("jaw-jaw"), watching for hummingbirds out the playroom window, and dancing/singing to the Veggie Tales theme song.
Little Maisy turned TWO MONTHS OLD today. God surely knew what type of baby we needed this second time around. Brogan has ALWAYS been high maintenance and full of energy. We love him and his personality so much, but I would lose my mind if I had two "Brogans" running around the house :) So, instead of another wild child, God blessed us with a chilled-out baby girl~ (thank you Lord!) Maisy LOVES to be cuddled. Up until this week, she has slept on my chest all night. I adore the bonding that comes with co-sleeping, but DANG I hate sleeping on my back. This week, Maisy has slept in her bassinet for most of the night, waking up 2-3 times to nurse. Last night she slept six hours straight- woohoo! She is becoming more alert, noticing things around the room. She seems to enjoy being outside, taking baths, and being cuddled next to me in the Moby Wrap.
Here is a typical night in the Grandstaff house...lots of cuddles and giggles :)
(sorry it's so dark!)
1 comment:
Just for the record..I guessed the pictures right...yay! and it was a "lucky" they do look so much alike.. Brogan and Maisy are getting so big... its hard to believe Maisy is 2 months and Brogans going to turn 2.. they grow up too fast...I love the video of Tadd, Brogan and Maisy.. great family time!...
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