*How far along?: 37 weeks 1 day
*Weight gain: no change this week...still up 21 lbs.
*Sleep: this question just annoys me
*Stretch marks: none but I am starting to swell just a tiny bit. I never had any swelling with Brogan- even at the end of June. I can still see my ankles and knuckles, but my rings will hardly come off and my socks leave an imprint on my legs. Hopefully it won't get much worse.
*Best moment of this week: Taking Brogan to the City Park to ride the rides. He rode them last summer but it wasn't the same. This year he was SO excited to ride the "shoo-shoo" (train) and the carousel. He thought he was so big riding the other rides with his cousin "Tee" (Stevie).
Saturday morning Tadd and I got brave (and desperate) and cleaned out the closet in baby girl's room. It is amazing how much stuff winds up in there. We moved the twin bed around and took the mirror off my old dresser to make it look more like a changing table. We still have to pick up a crib from some sweet friends who are letting us borrow theirs.
*Movement: I love the daily hiccups...they are so soft and fast. I'm trying to love the other movements since I know I'll miss them once she's born. But the headbutts to the cervix?? I could do without those.
*Labor Signs: Last night was a little scary...at 2am I woke up with Braxton Hicks every five minutes for about 2 hours. I didn't call the doctor since they weren't painful- just drank a bottle of water and ate a granola bar. After the 2 hours, the contractions finally eased off. I'm telling you- I HATE the thought of going into labor at night. It scares me to death. Weird, right?
*Food cravings: Grilled zucchini and pineapple with Hawaiian marinade. We ate this several times this week- thanks to Tadd :) Also, Subway roasted chicken subs with an enormous amount of lettuce. Andddd, I had my first milkshake of this entire pregnancy on Friday. Banana milkshake from Cook-Out- my favorite!
*What I miss most: walking like a normal person and not a penguin
*What I'm looking forward to: finishing up the nursery (painting, cleaning out the dresser drawers, filling them back up with baby girl clothes, opening a pack of NEWBORN diapers haha!)
*Measuring: 34 cm. Yes, I am still measuring behind and I didn't get the u/s I wanted :( I saw a new doctor at my practice and I can't say that I'm a big fan. She was not friendly and when I told her what the midwife said last week about possibly needing an u/s, she said "Why? You're a small girl...you'll probably have a small baby." Gee thanks lady. Granted, I'm sure she's right but dang it- I want another u/s!!!
*Milestones: Your baby is now considered FULL TERM even though your due date is three weeks away. If you go into labor now, his lungs will likely be mature enough to fully adjust to life outside the womb. Your baby weighs 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel. Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long.